As an intern for the Peace Corps, I was responsible for hosting a nationwide speaker series entitled, Success in Service: Life After Peace Corps, to beheld at each intern’s alma mater. Being the only intern for Howard University, I assumed both roles as a media & marketing intern, as well as an event coordinating intern. 

Wearing both hats, I planned the event, in which Returning Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCV) would come to campus and speak with interested students on their experience and what to expect as a volunteer for the Peace Corps. I researched and found a venue on campus for the event and  reached out to RPCVs in the DMV area. I created flyers that were circulated around campus to publicize the event,  reviewed and prepped each speaker, came up with a program agenda, registered all attendees using Eventbrite and produced photo and video content. I utilized my peers to help record each speaker, as I later edited the videos. These are their stories.